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1. Check the children's disease
2. Check also whether there are worms in its stomach
To help cope with difficult or hard to eat children, parents need:
1. Feeding according to age. After the age of 4 months from fed counterpart (such as milk porridge), the age of 6 months rice is cooked soft (or mixed vegetables chopped fine), age 8 yr-1 bln from food chopped, 1 year after the camp was introduced family foods. Because if you do not start now it is hard to eat a big future. Kena trained to eat vegetables and fruits of this age. Intestine so comfortable with the food that is eaten.
2. Do not give too much extra milk. This will result in its fullness so hard to eat.
3. Give the food side but not excessively. Given between the hours of feeding. food not sweet or salty-sweet because it will reduce its appetite.
4. For its growing appetite, try eating a good atmosphere. Invite your little one to eat with great affection. Parents singing or prayers while eating, mother of the child ate well, so he is not alone in feeling
5. If its still hard to eat the doctor may check to a disease in the organs of the body. If no abnormalities ask vitamins to stimulate appetite.
6. Discipline with its meals. Because if you've passed the time eating children do not feel hungry anymore.
7. Greens, mustard greens, spinach, potatoes, carrots, and so there are enzymes appetite enhancer. If the vegetables in the works since childhood will have on children's health and appetite increases.
8. If children have worms in the stomach, too, can reduce appetite. Check with your doctor, your child knows where a lot of worms
The message for working mothers:
1. Prepare food to be given to your child the message on the maid.
2. At meal feeding check your activity.
3. Weigh your child's body to ensure adequacy of nutrients or normal weight.
4. As long as there is little time to do for himself all things related to the little guy.
5. Have leisure time with your little one, so have the vision and sense of togetherness with their families
6. When cooking prayers and read Bismillah, please pray for the blessing of food cooked
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