10 Oct 2010

0 How to educate children?

Children enjoy much more when they work with us, especially if the tasks are fun.
The collaboration in the tasks of family life can be achieved if carried out with optimism for the family and especially for children.

Progressively involving the children in tasks and family responsibilities, they will feel recognized, and to develop self-confidence, responsibility, effort and perseverance to face the tasks and will respect and will work within their family.

And do not forget, tomorrow their children will be prepared, whether they like them, to share with their future colleagues tasks and family responsibilities. In future they will form families, they will thank you.
AH! And another important thing. This learning can help them face a different kind of tasks or situations, eg, at school or in social life.

In fact, teachers often ask the cooperation of parents to achieve these educational objectives, although in this case is for the completion of school tasks.

If the collaboration of his son is scarce or inadequate, not discouraged. Think about that while he does not make the same manner and with the regularity that you would like, it's important to have begun to share.

1º educate sharing the tasks of family life
2º participation in the tasks under the age of their children
* 2-3 years: approach to the tasks
* 4-6 years: education of the tasks of care
* 7-11 years: teaching tasks of family life
* 12-17 years: negotiation of tasks
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